We have all your hard to find Japanese filters! Browse our filters and filter kits listed below or call us at (601) 928-7491 for a quote.
Changing your filters regularly is the most important thing you can do to keep your tractor running smoothly. It will certainly save you time and money over costly repairs down the line. Anytime your engine oil appears black, there are signs of debris in the fuel system and if hydraulic fluid appears milky, it is time to do a fluid and filter change. We offer owner’s manuals with maintenance schedules for most tractors. But in general most manufacturers recommend changing the engine oil filter at 200-250 hours. And the air filter and fuel filter at 300-500 hours. Hydraulic strainers should be cleaned and inspected for tears.
We have a large stock of engine oil filters, fuel filters, fuel bowls, fuel filter assemblies, air filters, hydraulic filters and hydraulic screens for Yanmar, Zen-Noh, Mitsubishi, Satoh, Kumiai, VST, Eurotrac, Ameritrac, Suzue, Iseki, Isuzu, Bolens, White, Field Boss, Cub Cadet, Toro, Case IH, International, International Harvester, Kubota, John Deere, Hinomoto, Toyosha, Massey Ferguson, Agco, Agco-Allis, Allis Chalmers, Deutz-Allis, Shibaura, Ford, New Holland, Mahindra, Daedong and TYM. You can buy our filters individually but for a complete service order one of our filter kits. Our filter kits contain an engine oil filter, air filter and fuel filter. O-rings are included for those tractors with fuel bowls.
Filter Kit, FK-MT1
$34.95 -
Fuel Bowl, FB-MT876
$27.00 -
Oil Filter
$14.00 -
Oil Filter, OF-D3250
$43.00 -
Air Filter, AF-MT2
$25.00 -
Filter Kit, FK-TSTL